Give Good Face

Glasgow based, covering all of Scotland

Give Good Face will add a little bit of colour and sparkle to your wedding day, intrigue your guests and make them feel amazing. Face painting and glitter bars are a fantastic ice breaker and a really fun way to get your guests ready to party.

From full-on Ibiza neon glitter paint party to Aladdin Sane to a wee something sparkly – Emma’s designs will make you look and feel fantastic! Face painting isn’t just for weans – it’s for everyone! Take a gander at the images below and tell me you don’t immediately want one? Exactly.

And don’t worry – Give Good Face care about the environment, so their glitter bar is stocked with bio-glitter and handmade reusable face gems.

Something a little bit different in evening entertainment for you wedding or event. Hit Visit Website now to get your glitter on! (You know you want to!)


Images by Cherry Blossom Photography (Main, 4, 5, 6,) All other images by Give Good Face

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